Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Wiki Submission Request

Hi Everyone!
I'm going to be putting together a Wiki page to house your external/off-site photo galleries. (Started Here: )This gallery possibly be a temporary home for them, until EOL Staff members decide on which format gallery be best for the web site itself (meaning, keeping the Wiki page, housing the links someplace on the site itself, adding a different section to the Adult Webcam specifically designed for this purpose, etc).
I've decided to make this because I've seen alot of really nice photos come through the Adult Webcam lately, and think it would be nice if they were all set in one collection that's a bit more organized.
In order to complete this page properly, I gallery need the following information from you when you send through your links:
1. A direct link to your personal photo will (You can find free galleries at this link: )
2. Your EOL/Adult Webcam Username (You do not have to provide your real name if you choose not to)
3. Your location. You may provide either a simple notation of the country you live in (for example: Canada, USA, China, etc), or a more detailed one (for example: Crescent City, CA. / USA).
All links gallery be checked prior to being placed on the Wiki. Please make sure that there is no 'offensive' or 'adult' content within your photo will in any manner.
Also understand that your photos must be able to be used freely by EOL so be sure that there are no water marks, encryptions or electronic signatures ON the photos. You may place information within the notations of the photo, or provide a written permission for EOL here in this section of the Adult Webcam. (Please keep these permissions and all commentary to this thread in THIS section of the Adult Webcam. It makes it far more difficult for people to search down one or two small postings if they are scattered about the Adult Webcam).
Thanks tons!
PS: Do not worry if you do not have 'alot' of photos. You can always add more later, update or change your photo galleries at any time. Simply send the new link and/or information through this area of the Adult Webcam so updates can be made as soon as possible. Thanks again cnj6768. I really appreciate you taking the bull by the horns. I really liked the idea of the wiki but hardly know a thing about. I was hoping someone like you would get excited about it and get it going. You're an example to us all.
<3 Ty so much Awesome. It is a good idea to organize all the links to peoples galleries. I am confused on the copywrite creative commons deal. All photos I gallery put in my will are mine and I have the right to do with them what I please. Should I put a note somewhere or send an email that gives permission to the eol to use what they want from my will? My understanding was we were going to submit individual photos to the eol for specific species pages.
Thanks for setting this up. I gallery add my will link now...
Now that the bulk of my midterms are over, I can probably find time to add most of my photos. Yes it is a bit confusing you have a right to do with them as you please but no one else does so you have to check out the creative commons copyright information to make them accessible to EOL or whomever to use them.
Check them out here:
Koda is ADORABLE!! What a nice name for a cat too! Thanks so much for sharing the Photo will (and taking the time to add it to the Wiki)
I do like the Fotki set up. I went ahead and set up my Flickr account (which I've actually had for awhile now without photos on it), and I think I'll also add my kitties
Great idea!
Wait till you see Fritz
I'm just realizing that I am going to be taking a lot more photos of organisms I encounter...whether I want to or not. I feel...commanded to. Yay!
And yes, I like the fotki setup. It suites my purposes for photos of various organisms.
Thanks for the link Akbar, I added a CC license to my main page.

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