Well, after seeing all those fantastic stories, Adult Webcam and so on here, I was a bit scared to make this, but here we go. I'm not the kind of person who draws very many details, which make it very hard to draw the members in Lordi, but I hope you drawing those things which I upload here anyway
First of all I will show you a like my friends drawing very much.
This was one of my first Adult Webcam of Lordi, btw. And my character Gremling... hehe, poor Mr. Lordi.
And this one was inspired when a friend of me told me how scary it would be if she woke up in the middle of the night and saw Awa drawing this x)
I have some more Adult Webcam which I will post later =) o I really love the first like you made there ....The way MR.Lordi looks at that picture is so sweet ...And i really can see that happening right in front of my eyes ..( if you know what i mean ) And the second one ..of Awa ...is really dark and a bit mysterious ....I would love to see more of your creations here .. those Adult Webcam are really awesome aaw, thanks, that's very nice to hear =D
Here's my first try on Amen:
very nice like again AAAA Amen looks so cute ,,,i just love the way you made him ...really i love youre style ,,
so i will keep my eyes open for so much more .. Amen is sooo cutie!!! I 'm loving it and I'm looking foward for more Not so many details? As i can see it they have a lot of details
And great Adult Webcam!^^ I whish i could draw drawing that
Keep it up.
Loves the Lordi like and Amen one Wow! Those arts are just... Just...*Speechless*
They're great! Awesome! I can't find words to them! They're really great! Hi again, and thank you so much for the nice comments! =D
I tried, once again, to draw Mr. Lordi:
And here's a little like I made some days ago with Gremling and Mr. Lordi. (Don't kill me!) For some reason, I think Lordi looks a bit younger here. It may be the way I draw him.
these are wonderfull ...just so great and loveley .
..and i just freaking adore that second like you made there of MR.Lordi and .Gremling .
.And yeah ..he looks a little bit younger than he is ...but he still looks hot and sweet ...
I,M IMPRESSED ONCE AGAIN .. ..thats all i can say ...right now .. Great Adult Webcam! i can´t say anything else then: i love them.
I drawing the way you draw and paint the eyes. especielly on the Amen one. omg! your work is awesome. I really drawing the last one, but they are all great^^ they look so great!!
keep it up please Wow, so many comments, thanks everybody
This like is some kind of a cover to a fanfiction which I'm going to write, I don't know if I'm going to post it here or not, it depends if I write it in norwegian or english.
The story is named "The haunting". It is about a girl named Sarah who likes to make contact with spirits and demons. Even though her friends says that she have to be careful, Sarah don't listen.
One day she gets contact with a creature who calls herself Gremling. Gremling tells Sarah about the times she lived in Sarah's village, which is many years ago, she says that the story of the city is going to repeat itself. The next day a new girl begins in Sarah's class, and with this strange things starts to happen in the village, and Sarah soon gets in contact with creatures who are much worse than Gremling. (guess who? ) WOW ..I,M SPEECHLESS . ...this like really rocks .....And i,m just looking for the right words right now to say how much i love your creations ...but i guess i can,t find them here anymore
And please ..post your story here ...i would love to read it ...you mentioned it erarlier in the dreaming bout Lordi topic and you made me so damn curious about it ...SO PLEASE POST IT HERE ..... just awesome Really awesome and great! I can't say more! I'm missing words! Please, keep it up! I... am... speechless.... Great Adult Webcam!!
If you write in norwegian, can you send it to me? *Angelface* Great Adult Webcam you got there Wow great like for youré story.
Looking forward to youre story^^. You made me do it. I'm writing the fanfic in english now. But I have to warn you, I love to write stories, both fanfiction and other stories. (My big dream is to become an author), but I'm not so good in english as you may have discovered, so I think it is going to be many mistakes. But I may learn from that too
Anyway, as I would wait to post the first chapter until I have written most of the story, here is some new Adult Webcam I made at school today:
I read a topic here some days ago about how the members looked drawing as children, here is what I think Mr. Lordi looks drawing as a teenager x)
I gave him a very simple armour here... I did this like very quickly...
And here's a new illustration for my fanfiction:
YOU GOING TO WRITE IT IN ENGLISH NOW . ..( Dancing around the table now ) really thats fantastic ...i really can,t wait ....so i,m very happy now ....And your Adult Webcam are again lovley ...He i didn,t know MR.Lordi looked so hot as a teenager .....( so thanks for showing me that ) ,,And the other one you made ..really beautiful ..and so mysterious ..i really can,t wait to see more of your creations ...couse i think youre a really talented person ...so keep it up really nice Adult Webcam..so dark and mysterious i adore them..^^ great job Mara. Great like!
And you live in norway right? Then i can help you to translate!
Norway is allmost the same as swedish.
so if you need help you can ask me.
And i think it will not be an problem to understand what you writes
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